quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2022

Hey God, Hey John

 Me: Hey God.

God: Hey John.

Me: I'm about to break.

God: Why do you think that is?

Me: Because life just keeps getting harder.

God: Then you need to become softer.

Me: Huh?

God: Here is the thing:

Glass is hard but it can shatter when dropped

Rock is hard but it can be broken with a drill

Gold is hard but it can be melted in a blazing fire. 

Don't be so hard that you break down so easily.

Be soft like wet clay in the hands of a potter

Be soft like river water in the summer. 

Be soft like the breeze through a row of tall pines. 

All of those things survive no matter what happens to them. 

They endure because they haven't built their existence out of hard materials. 

Be soft with other people don't break them with your words and don't let them break you with theirs. 

Be soft with yourself. 

Your heart is more cotton than iron. 

Your soul is wrapped in the softest of fabrics for a reason. 

The softer you become the more you understand how precious all life is. 

Be more of cotton than you are of concrete

Love isn't cold granite. 

Love is shapeless. 

Love is like ocean water gently passing through your toes. 

In a world where the hardness of diamonds

Helps determine its worth don't become one yourself. 

Become so soft that nothing can break you. 

~ John Roedel ~

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2022


1 - O outro não existe para te agradar ou para te desagradar. O outro existe para te ensinar.

2 - Ninguém é culpado pelo que estás sentindo. É tu que optas pelos sentimentos que tens neste exato momento. Só tu.

3 - A arte de viver sem expectativas, e sim com perspectiva é a chave para não se frustrar.

4 - Cura em ti o vício da necessidade de aprovação do outro. Só assim poderás desfrutar da ousadia e da confiança natural do teu espírito, da tua essência.

5 - Tu não tens controle de nada, por mais que acredites que tens. Lembra-te, daqui a pouco a Terra irá reivindicar o teu corpo e deixarás este planeta para ingressar numa nova fase de existência. Abre mão do controle, só assim terás domínio sobre ti mesmo e sobre a tua vida. Controle é um reflexo do medo, já o domínio é um reflexo do estado de ausência absoluta de tensão interna e do teu encontro com a paz.

6 - Não te descaracterizes para tentar "caber" no espaço apertado do pensamento que o outro tem em relação a ti. Isso não vai dar certo. Quando tu te anulas para agradar alguém, a tua luz apaga-se e é apenas tu, quem fica no escuro sentindo-te perdido.

7 - Não acredites no que os outros dizem para ti, por mais romântico e poético que possa ser. O que importa são as atitudes e não as palavras.

8 - Abandona o orgulho e o delírio de acreditar que tudo vai ser como tu queres, desejas ou necessitas.

9 - Tudo é passageiro. De perto a vida é uma tragédia, de longe é uma comédia. Daqui algum tempo irás rir de todos os dramas que criaste. Pois tudo passa. Tudo.

10 - Tu és responsável por tudo que está acontecendo na tua vida. Teus pensamentos e sentimentos predominantes irão formatar a tua realidade, quer tu queiras, quer não. Portanto, se quiseres mudar a tua realidade, muda teus pensamentos e sentimentos.

11 - Carência emocional não é a necessidade de receber, e sim de se dar. Só tu poderás suprir as tuas necessidades emocionais. Projetá-las em alguém é o mesmo que pedir para que alguém se alimente para saciar a tua fome.

12 - Vive com simplicidade e com mais realidade. Só assim, quem tu realmente és, vai surgir de verdade. Ri mais e não leve tudo tão a sério. Afinal de contas, a essência da vida é se descobrir e desfrutar dessa maravilhosa aventura chamada evolução. 


segunda-feira, 3 de outubro de 2022

The Glass is Already Broken

Once someone asked a well-known Thai meditation master, "In this world where everything changes, where nothing remains the same, where loss and grief are inherent into our very coming into existence, how can there be any happiness? How can we find security when we see that we can't count on anything being the way we want it to be?" 

The teacher, looking compassionately at this fellow, held up a drinking glass which had been given to him earlier in the morning and said, "You see this goblet? For me, this glass is already broken.

“I enjoy it, I drink out of it. It holds my water admirably, sometimes even reflecting the sun in beautiful patterns. If I should tap it, it has a lovely ring to it. But when I put this glass on a shelf and the wind knocks it over or my elbow brushes it off the table and it falls to the ground and shatters, I say, 'Of course.' But when I understand that this glass is already broken, every moment with it is precious. Every moment is just as it is and nothing need be otherwise."

When we recognize that, just as that glass, our body is already broken, that indeed we are already dead, then life becomes precious and we open to it just as it is, in the moment it is occurring. When we understand that all our loved ones are already dead – our children, our mates, our friends – how precious they become. How little fear can interpose, how little doubt can estrange us. When you live your life as if you are already dead, life takes on new meaning. Each moment becomes a whole lifetime, a universe unto itself.

When we realize we are already dead, our priorities change, our heart opens, our mind begins to clear of the fog of old holdings and pretendings. We watch all life in transit and what matters becomes instantly apparent: the transmission of love, the letting go of obstacles to understanding, the relinquishment of our grasping, of our hiding from ourselves. Seeing the mercilessness of our self-strangulation, we begin to come gently into the light we share with all beings. Taking each teaching, each loss, each gain, each fear, each joy as it arises and experiencing it fully, life becomes workable. We are no longer ‘a victim of life’. And then every experience, even the loss of our dearest one, becomes another opportunity for awakening.

(Steven Levine)

If our only spiritual practice were to live as though we were already dead, relating to all we meet, to all we do, as though it were our final moments in the world, what time would there be for old games or falsehoods or posturing? If we lived our life as though we were already dead, as though our children were already dead, how much time would there be for self-protection and the re-creation of ancient mirages? Only love would be appropriate, only the truth. 

Kabira Lyon x


sábado, 1 de outubro de 2022

Be alone

 Be alone.

Not lonely but alone,

and live with that aloneness.

Rather, be that aloneness --

that is the only meditation for you now.

Loneliness is negative:

to be lonely is to be aware of

the absence of others.

But to be alone is the most positive state of mind:

it is to be aware of the presence of oneself.

Be aware of the presence that is you.

Just be aware and wait,

wait for the happening.

Near, very near is the moment.

And remember that I am always with you --

I have always been with you

even when you did not know me.

-- and always feel my blessings.

                 (Osho, A Cup of Tea)]

quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2022

Canta, meu pai

O meu pai tinha um sonho 

Queria ser cantor

Quando ele abriu os olhos 

Muito tempo passou

Hoje, quando ele canta

Sua voz é contida

Pelo nó na garganta

Pelo rumo da vida

Ele deu um conselho:

"Sonhe sempre acordado

Para quando olhar no espelho 

Não enxergar o passado"

Canta, meu pai

Tudo o que você fez me mostrou como se faz 

Já entendi que o tempo não volta 

Nem olhando para trás

Canta, meu pai

Mesmo aí no teu canto, a sós

Porque foi te ouvindo cantar

Que eu encontrei minha voz

(Allan Dias Castro)

domingo, 5 de junho de 2022

A plant is not thinking:

"Tomorrow I will put a new leaf to the north and

then next week when it rains I will grow a metre

taller". Its existence is just unfolding out of itself

spontaneously, naturally, unplanned.

Similarly, your true life unfolds in the same way

but you are unaware of it because you allow your

mind to imagine fanciful ways of being and then

pursue your projections. Like this, you began

thinking and strategising your existence rather

than simply experiencing your natural being.

We cannot breathe tomorrows breath today.

Therefore, knowing this, leave your existence to

existence and start enjoying your cosmic play.

Best of all, don't try to be anything at all. This is a

secret few recognise.

Be a witness to life unfolding by itself. Be free of

all attachments, fears, and concerns by keeping

your mind inside your own heart. Rest in being.

Like this, your life is always fresh and imbued with

pure joy and timeless presence. Be happy, wise,

and free.
